Yes, yes; I’m back from jolly old England. As much as I wanted to go to a million cheese shops, I only had time, and—to be perfectly honest—money, to only really visit and try some cheese at Neal’s Yard Dairy.
The cheesemonger at Neal’s recommended that I tried some Innes cheese. The log, at the top of this article, is an unpasteurized goat’s milk cheese that is made locally in the UK. Innes is actually the brand name, which refers to a broad range of goat’s milk cheeses made on the Highland’s Farm by Stella & Joe Bennet.
I think lactic and nutty are way too over utilized when describing cheeses, mostly because I keep hearing them and not fully understanding what that means. My description, is probably similar, but let my put it in layman’s terms.
It was a really great goat’s milk cheese and I mostly enjoyed it because it was very different than other goat’s cheeses I have been trying. As you may have noticed I have been on an Italian cheese kick; most Italian goat’s milk cheeses are very creamy, or they mix with high-fat sheep’s milk. This was a nice change for once. Dense, manly cheese; that you could totally serve at your fruity cocktail parties as well.

The oatcakes were probably too brittle to eat with this cheese, and it probably would have been a better decision to pair it with a more sturdy cracker or spread the cheese atop some lovely bread, with some jam.

Neal’s Yard Dairy, is pretty famous, at least that was my impression. They have a couple locations in London: one in Covent Garden, where there is lots of shopping, kind of like SoHo in NYC; and, there is another one in Borough Market, which, is hard to describe but, there is also a lot of shopping, but there more of a focus on food products, and there are a ton of restaurants. Borough Market is over the river, so it would be like, the Brooklyn equivalent of SoHo (God help us)

If you, like me, happen to find yourself on holiday in London, do check out Neal’s Yard Dairy. I wish I had more time to check out other places, but I hear that there are also great cheese counters at La Fromagerie, D’Issa, as well as, department stores like Harvey Nichols. I don’t know when I’ll be back in England, but if you have a favorite cheese shop, talk about it in the comments! Cheers~!