Hosting: How much cheese should I buy?

If you’re asking yourself this question, you’re ahead of the game. Buying too much cheese could lead to food waste, buying too little can be not great either. There is a common rule of 1 to 1.5 ounces (30-45g) of cheese per cheese per person. Whether or not you round up or round down depends […]

Should cheese be kept in the fridge?

Most hard cheeses that you would buy at a cheese shop or at the cheese counter do not require that you store them in the refrigerator. However, many soft or semi-soft cheeses, particularly shredded or cream cheeses must be refrigerated for safety reasons. Many people do not refrigerate their hard cheeses, and although that is […]

What is a corked wine?

Corked wines smell and taste like a musty old basement. Other people say it’s more like wet cardboard or wet dog. Let me tell you what it really is.

What is the outer layer of brie cheese?

The outer layer of brie is called the rind. Cheese rinds are important characteristics which help us identify, which cheese is which. The white rind found on brie cheese, is called a bloomy rind. It is called that because it is achieved by spraying soft cheese with specific strains of fungi — particularly Penicillium candidum, […]

Is cheese addictive?

We all love cheese. But are we being compromised by altered brain chemistry? Is my cheesemonger some scarier version of Walter White? Well, there was an interesting article that came out which talked about a study as to why some foods are more addictive than others and you’d be surprised by some of the findings. […]

What kind of wine glass to use?

Most people have seen wine glasses, or even, have used one in real life. However, what you probably don’t realize is, that there are so many different shapes of wine glasses that are traditionally used to drink certain types of wine. Our friends at Wine Folly created this amazing infographic that should answer all of […]

Does white wine need to breathe?

Most people don’t aerate wines. Many people that do, just assume that they only need to let red wines breathe before consumption. And, for the most part, if you let most white wines aerate too long, the taste is completely ruined. However, there is a group of white wines that you should definitely decant. These […]

Can I eat the rind of cheese?

Yes, in most cases you are encouraged to eat the rind. If the cheese is wrapped in a fabric-like bandage or wax, you should not eat the rind. Swedish Fontina is a great example of a cheese that you would first need to take off the wax rind before eating. There are some implications with […]

Is cheese gluten free?

NOTE: This content is not intended to provide medical advice, which should be obtained directly from a physician. The short answer is that most cheeses that you will buy in the grocery store are gluten free. You will want to check ingredients before you eat anything new to make sure that the cheese does not […]

What are the different types of cheese?

There are many ways to classify cheese; but, most people tend to look at two characteristics: milk type and texture. Milk type A cheese might be made with cow, sheep, goat, buffalo milk, etc. or, even be a mix of two or more milks. The major factors in distinguishing between different types of milk are […]