Spinach Feta Turkey Burgers

Pause for a moment. Take a deep breath. I totally have your dinner covered tonight. You must make these turkey burgers, not only because they are incredibly simple, fast and delicious but because they take feta to a whole new level. And while you eat them, you can totally dream of taking a European vacation like I was clearly doing. All you need to make these bad boys is fifteen minutes and four ingredients. Seriously! To maximize supreme feta cheesiness, you actually cook large chunks of cheese right into the burger patty, along with spinach. Hallelujah. If you are dirty like me, you’ll top your burger with EXTRA feta just ’cause. I also like to top these with crisp red onion, hot sauce and honey mustard. These burgers are great to make ahead and freeze, as well. Just cook the burgers completely and freeze between pieces of wax paper. Reheat in a 350 degree oven for 20 minutes or so until hot. So what are you waiting for?! Tonights your night. Spinach Feta Turkey Burgers makes 4 burgers Print this recipe! Ingredients: 1 lb ground turkey 1 egg, slightly beaten 5 oz frozen spinach (about half of a bag), defrosted …

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