I used to not believe in the existence of healthy snacks because “healthy” and “snacks” are complete opposites. Otherwise my mom would let me eat more snacks. Snacking in my family is like committing a crime because the older generation’s understanding of snacks is chips and cookies. Well, they are not completely wrong but there are healthy ways to snack…on cheese. Yes mom, I said cheese. I have to clarify that pigging out on anything is unhealthy and snacking refers to a small portion. Now that we are on the same page, what is your favorite cheesy snack?

1. String cheese. I love string cheese. We were taught to not play with our food, but we sure can get away with string cheese! Try a low fat or reduced fat string cheese. Control yourself with just having one…okay, maximum, two!

2. Turkey and cheese sandwich. This is my lazy go-to snack. I don’t even bother with tomato and lettuce. My recipe is a slice of low fat cheese, a slice of turkey (or ham), and two slices of whole wheat bread. The only part that requires work is cutting the sandwich into four mini triangles. This tricks you into believing that you’re full!

3. Cheese crisps. If you are making soup and need an extra something to fulfill your cheese craving, cheese crisps are a wonderful choice as a soup topper. They are extremely easy to make. Sprinkle shredded cheese of your choice on a baking sheet and put it in the oven…voila!

4. Macaroni and cheese salad. Mac and cheese makes me sick because it contains too much cheese. Macaroni and cheese salad on the other hand is delicious and healthy. Besides, cider vinegar helps you digest better so your stomach is not blocking out the sun.

5. Cheese kimbap. Kimbap is a seaweed roll with ingredients such as rice, carrot, egg, spinach, pickled radish, and of course cheese. I enjoy making kimbap from leftovers in the fridge. On a warm day, cheese kimbap is a great snack for a picnic in the park.

6. Wine and cheese. Most of us know drinking wine reduces the risk of heart disease. Did you know wine also has beauty benefits as well? Wine contains resveratrol, a chemical compound also found in grapes. Research has shown resveratrol has anti-aging properties. Prevent aging while snacking on cheese? I am in heaven! But wait, you want to make sure you pair the right wine with the right cheese. I know what shoes go with what outfit but I am clueless when it comes to wine and cheese pairings. Luckily, I can take a wine & cheese class off Vimbly to figure it out!
6. Wine and cheese. Most of us know drinking wine reduces the risk of heart disease. Did you know wine also has beauty benefits as well? Wine contains resveratrol, a chemical compound also found in grapes. Research has shown resveratrol has anti-aging properties. Prevent aging while snacking on cheese? I am in heaven! But wait, you want to make sure you pair the right wine with the right cheese. I know what shoes go with what outfit but I am clueless when it comes to wine and cheese pairings. Luckily, I can take a wine & cheese class off Vimbly to figure it out!