Oddly enough, there was actually a great number of Australian cheeses in Minnesotan supermarkets. While this violates my “eat local foods” while travelling rule, this one—despite being quite commercial—stood out as unique because of its interesting flavorings.
Moondarra cheese is an Australian brand of fresh cow’s milk cheese.
Moondarra is presumably a common word, and there are many businesses which use it in their names. I presume it to be something like Da Kine, in pidgin. Either way, as you can see in the following quote, “Moondarra” refers to a fertile stretch of land in Australia known for excellent dairy products.
Moondarra is an indigenous Koori word and the name of a rich, lush pastoral region of Gippsland - Australia, renowned for the quality and variety of its dairy products.Moondarra Cheese
I don’t feel like I need to go into the specifics about fresh cow’s milk cheese, as I have done quite a bit on this subject, but this cheese is pretty cool. It somes in a variety of flavors, and you can tell that they use excellent ingredients just by the vibrant colors. They have flavors ranging from apricot and almond to sweet chili.

When I was looking at the selection, I thought that the most appealing, and unique flavor was the honey and pistachio flavor. It was certainly delicious; however, I noticed that this cheese is far more tangy than other fresh cow’s milk cheeses I’ve tasted in the past.
This marks the end of my Minnesota cheese blogging for a while. When I go back to Minnesota in 3 or 4 months hopefully the cheese situation will have improved. Let me know in the comments if you know of a cheese that I might have overlooked, I’m always eager to learn more and try new cheeses.